Apparently the “Qlocktwo” is the worlds first “wristwatch in words”, and I must say I can’t think of another one that uses this novel way of displaying time.
Its an interesting combination, a modern digital display that doesn’t display digits.. but words instead. Reading the time is in this case literally “reading” it.
Using a grid of 110 letters and LED technology the time is displayed on the Qlocktwo when the button is pressed and indicated in 5 minute intervals, exact time is then calculated by adding the number of dots that light up at the bottom of the watch.
For example the time on the watch in the photo above would be 12.33.
Not a watch you could just glance at and read the time, the Qlocktwo watch is actually an adaptation of their well known wall clock which uses the same style display and won the red dot award for product design.
Its made by German studio Biegert & Funk, measures 35 × 35 × 7 mm and comes in plain stainless or black.
It will be available in both English and German sometime in the autumn, retailing for about $700.
interested in this watch.