Designer Andy Kurovets has created this elegant and futuristic looking concept watch.
Using a bangle style design and aimed at women it features an LED display and comes in two versions:
black with blue LEDs and pink with blue LEDs.
Apart from its strikingly contemporary style what also catches the eye with the LED Bangle Concept is that the minute and hour displays have been separated out to each end of the bracelet, a nice stylistic feature giving it an unusual touch.
Andy describes the design as “My idea is based on a ribbon bracelet and the shape of women’s fashion jewelry. It also looks like 2 leaves from a tree. The design is in the shape of 2 independent electronic parts – 1 for hours telling and 2 for minutes telling. This design would be ideal for people who love original design, fashion, style and original ways of displaying time.”
Its good to mix it up a bit and feature a watch aimed at women, there really dont seem to be enough distinct watch designs with women in mind.
You can vote on his design at the Tokyoflash website or see more of Andy’s designs at his website.

Were can I purchase this watch?
Not sure, please check the designers website for more information.
Где можно купить ?
Not sure it was manufactured please contact the designer at: http://www.andykurovets.com