Division Furtive has announced the production of the Type 50 wristwatch, a new design following its first dual-linear watch: the Type 40, covered here. Like the Type 40 it features an accelerometer enabling the watch to respond to movement so time is displayed when you twist your wrist in front of you. The dial of the Type 50 has been lowered to add transparent cylinders on top of the LEDs to give it the “Flux Capacitor” look.
The Type 50 production is limited to 1000 units and will initially be sold exclusively on Kickstarter up until November 6th.

According to designer/founder Gabriel Ménard “The new design has a metal casing, a temperature-compensated timekeeping circuitry, a high-efficiency white LED display, improved motion and tap detection, a backup battery, improved battery life, an operational flowchart on the back and an integrated flashlight! ”
Furthermore he adds: “That is on top of the returning features from the previous model such as the set-using-light process where you sync date and time using your smart phone or computer screen, a user-serviceable battery, a day/week/moon calendar, triple time zones, a chronometer and a power reserve indicator.”

Feedback from the previous Type 40 model has been taken into account and collectors play an active part in making the design better. The pre-ordering campaign is organized in such a way that the number of units sold will dictate the final features of the watch. A front sapphire crystal, an extra leather wristband, a back sapphire crystal, a butterfly clasp and an extra metal wrist band are only going to make it into production if a set amount of watches are sold, respectively 350, 550, 750, 900 and 1000 units.

The first 50 units will be sold at 195$CAD, while the remaining 950 units will be priced at 295$CAD. Retail price is set at 395$CAD for all remaining units after the campaign, with shipping starting in early 2015. Click here for details on the Division Furtive Type 50.